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  1. In organizations with software systems in production, new and often unexpected requirements for development come up due to strategic, tactical, and operational customer needs. In this context, it is a strategi...

    Authors: Marcos Kalinowski, Stefan Biffl, Rodrigo Oliveira Spínola and Sheila Reinehr
    Citation: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2014 2:10
  2. The stakeholders of a software system are, to a greater or lesser extent, concerned about its software architecture, as an essential artifact for capturing the key design decisions of the system. The architect...

    Authors: Matias Nicoletti, Jorge Andres Diaz-Pace, Silvia Schiaffino, Antonela Tommasel and Daniela Godoy
    Citation: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2014 2:9
  3. Software reference architectures are becoming widely adopted by organizations that need to support the design and maintenance of software applications of a shared domain. For organizations that plan to adopt t...

    Authors: Silverio Martínez-Fernández, Claudia P Ayala, Xavier Franch, Helena Martins Marques and David Ameller
    Citation: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2014 2:7
  4. Research communities evolve over time, changing their interests for specific problems or research areas. Mapping the evolution of a research community, including the most frequently addressed problems, the str...

    Authors: Wesley KG Assunção, Márcio de O Barros, Thelma E Colanzi, Arilo C Dias-Neto, Matheus HE Paixão, Jerffeson T de Souza and Silvia R Vergilio
    Citation: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2014 2:3
  5. This paper presents the roadmap adopted by Synapsis Brazil to implement the process areas of CMMI-DEV Maturity Level 5 in small sized evolutionary projects. We also discuss the results of applying statistical ...

    Authors: Carlos Simões and Mariano Montoni
    Citation: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2014 2:2
  6. Despite the increasing number of bug analysis tools for exploring bugs in software systems, there are no tools supporting the investigation of causality relationships between internal quality metrics and bugs....

    Authors: Cesar Couto, Marco Tulio Valente, Pedro Pires, Andre Hora, Nicolas Anquetil and Roberto S Bigonha
    Citation: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2014 2:1
  7. Over the last years, a number of researchers have investigated how to improve the reuse of crosscutting concerns. New possibilities have emerged with the advent of aspect-oriented programming, and many framewo...

    Authors: Thiago Gottardi, Rafael Serapilha Durelli, Óscar Pastor López and Valter Vieira de Camargo
    Citation: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2013 1:4
  8. Software Product Lines (SPLs) play an essential role in contemporary software development, improving program quality and reducing the time to market. However, despite its importance, several questions concerni...

    Authors: Hugo Melo, Roberta Coelho, Uirá Kulesza and Demostenes Sena
    Citation: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2013 1:3
  9. Usability is one of the most important factors that determine the quality of Web applications, which can be verified performing usability inspection. This paper presents the Web Design Usability Evaluation (We...

    Authors: Luis Rivero and Tayana Conte
    Citation: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2013 1:2