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Table 3 An excerpt of the template survey for software architects to gather evidence about Aspects 1 and Aspect 5 of RA projects

From: Towards guidelines for building a business case and gathering evidence of software reference architectures in industry

Type of question


Questions about the classification of the RA.

What do you understand by RA?


What was the objective of the project?


Which was the client organization’s problem that motivated the project?


What was the relationship with the client organization during the design and maintenance of the RA?

Questions about the business qualities of the RA for the client organization.

What benefits does the client organization experience from adopting your RA? And developers from using it?


Which problems does the client organization experience from adopting your RA? And developers from using it?


How the training for the client organization was conducted in order to them use your RA?


Did the use of your RA cause any organizational change in the client organization?


How does the use of your RA reduce the time-to-market of RA-based applications in the client organization?


What types of non-functional requirements are reinforced because of using your RA in applications?


To sum up, what conclusions do you draw from the facilities provided by your RA for the client organization?

Questions about the business qualities of the RA for the IT consulting firm (optional).

How is your RA based on an RM and any other existing architectural knowledge and software components in your company?


What do you think should be replaced, included or updated in prospective versions of the RM?


To sum up, what conclusions do you draw from the facilities provided by the RM for the IT consulting firm?